Lowongan Kerja Terbaru SMA SMK S1 PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) April 2024

 Semua orang memimpikan memiliki pekerjaan terbaik dan pekerjaan idaman. Namun, apa sebenarnya pengertian pekerjaan terbaik? Umumnya, banyak karyawan memimpikan memiliki pekerjaan dengan penghasilan besar, sering dinas luar negeri, dan punya jabatan strategis. Tiga kriteria ini kerap kali dianggap sebagai pengukur kualitas pekerjaan terbaik. Apa benar Zaman sekarang ini harus kuliah agar dapat pekerjaan bagus? Nah, anda berarti sudah paham betul ya dengan pertanyaan ini? Pertama ada kata-kata "Pekerjaan Bagus", kenapa perlu saya tekankan? Dengan menjadi pekerja artinya anda akan bekerja untuk orang lain baik dalam instansi pemerintah atau perusahaan. Jadi asumsi saya bahwa memang anda memang hanya terpikir untuk mencari pekerjaan setelah lulus pendidikan. Jenjang pendidikan tentu menjadi magnet awal bagi seseorang agar sebuah instansi atau badan usaha mau memberi posisi bekerja yang baik. Seberapa bagus pekerjaannya, itu jelas bergantung dari berbagai faktor. Namun Jika anda kuliah minimal D3, apalagi S1-S3 anda punya 1 keuntungan, yaitu lebih banyak lowongan yang bisa anda lamar. Tentu saja katakanlah anda punya Ijasah S2, jika anda merasa tidak sungkan anda bisa melamar pekerjaan dengan syarat minimum S1, D3 bahkan SMU namun tidak berlaku sebaiknya, anda yang tamat SMU tentu akan tersingkir pada tahap awal seleksi jika syaratnya adalah D3/S1.Perusahaan/instansi tertentu bisa saja menerima pekerja tamatan SMU berpengalaman untuk posisi tertentu yang seharusnya diisi oleh kandidat S1, namun dalam sistem mereka biasanya gaji dasar akan mengikuti standar pendidikan. Jadi meski take home pay tetap sesuai jabatan, namun komponen gaji dasarnya (GD) mengikuti pendidikannya dan sementara GD ini digunakan untuk menentukan kenaikan gaji berikutnya. Sedangkan untuk Instansi pemerintah, jenjang pendidikan lebih sangat berpengaruh. Kecuali anda adalah keluarga atau kerabat pemilik sebuah perusahaan. Akan tetapi, jika fokus anda ada pada penghasilan. Maka jika anda memiliki kemampuan, kemauan, keuletan dan keberuntungan maka anda yang lulus SMU sekalipun tetap punya peluang yang sama besarnya untuk memiliki penghasilan besar sebagaimana orang yang kuliah.

PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara)
- PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (SENA) yang didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 20 April 2015, merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT PGAS Solution, perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia dalam bidang transmisi dan distribusi gas bumi. Tujuan dari pendirian SENA adalah untuk memberikan layanan jasa engineering di industri oil dan gas.

Anda yang saat ini membutuhkan pekerjaan, saat ini PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) kembali lowongan pekerjaan di bulan April 2024 untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan perusahaan. Pihak perusahaan akan mencari para kandidat yang memiliki potensi yang sesuai dengan posisi jabatan yang dibutuhkan.

Berikut ini persyaratan setiap calon pelamar kerja bagi yang berminat bergabung dan mengembangkan karir di perusahaan tersebut.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) April 2024

Posisi :
1. Expert Process Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Minimum 20 years experience in oil & gas project or petrochemical
  • Have experience to develop main deliverable (process design basis, shutdown phylosophy, operating & control phylosophy, process description, Process Design Criteria, cause & effect, etc)
  • Have experience to perform dynamic simulation, pipeline hydrolic simulation using OLGA, Pipesim)
  • Have experience in LNG liquifaction an regassification project, Oil & Gas processing facility project either on upstream or downstream stage
  • Have an excellent knowledge of internationally recognized Codes and Standards related to Process Discipline

2. Senior Process Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas project or petrochemical
  • Have experience to develop main deliverable (process design basis, shutdown phylosophy, operating & control phylosophy, process description, Process Design Criteria, cause & effect, etc)
  • Have experience to perform dynamic simulation, pipeline hydrolic simulation using OLGA, Pipesim)
  • Have an excellent knowledge of internationally recognized Codes and Standards related to Process Discipline

3. Process Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas project or petrochemical
  • Have experience to perform oil/gas process simulation using Aspen Hysis (Including Equipment Sizing)
  • Have experience to develop line sizing report, process datasheet
  • Have experience to develop PFD, P&ID, HMB
  • Have experience to develop Utility Demand
  • Have a good knowledge of internationally recognized Codes and Standards related to Process Discipline

4. Junior Process Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Have a good knowledge of internationally recognized Codes and Standards related to Process Discipline

5. Process Drafter

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas project or petrochemical
  • Have experience to perform oil/gas process simulation using Aspen Hysis (Including Equipment Sizing)
  • Have experience to develop line sizing report, process datasheet
  • Have experience to develop PFD, P&ID, HMB
  • Have experience to develop Utility Demand
  • Have a good knowledge of internationally recognized Codes and Standards related to Process Discipline

6. Senior Process Safety Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering/Nuclear Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects.
  • Experienced as a Process Safety Engineer in Oil & Gas, upstream & downstream, or petrochemical projects
  • Experienced in offshore projects
  • Experienced in designing and planning safe conditions based on the Process Safety Concept, as well as safety equipment in an oil & gas facility, both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in creating process safety design basis, conceptual designs of process safety, specifications, simulations, calculations, data sheets, and standard drawings
  • Experienced in making QRA, SCE, HAC and other studies related to process safety
  • Have the ability to use software related to process safety engineering such as PIPENET, FLARESIM, PHAST and other required software.
  • Have the excelent knowledge of Codes & Standards related to process safety
  • Have the ability to communicate with clients and colleagues.
  • Can make project implementation plans of process safety, both schedules and the required manpower and tools
  • Fluent in English both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

7. Process Safety Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering/Nuclear Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects.
  • Experienced as a Process Safety Engineer in Oil & Gas, upstream & downstream, or petrochemical projects
  • Experienced in offshore projects will be an advantage.
  • Experienced in designing and planning safe conditions based on the Process Safety Concept, as well as safety equipment in an oil & gas facility, both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in creating process safety design basis, conceptual designs of process safety, specifications, simulations, calculations, data sheets, and standard drawings
  • Have knowledge of QRA, SCE, HAC and other studies related to process safety
  • Have the ability to use software related to process safety engineering such as PIPENET, FLARESIM, PHAST and other required software.
  • Have the good knowledge of Codes & Standards related to process safety
  • Have the ability to communicate with clients and colleagues
  • Fluent in English both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

8. Junior Process Safety Engineer

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Have knowledge for Process Safety
  • Have knowledge for Computer Software related to process safety
  • Have a good technical analysis
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

9. Process Safety Designer

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects as drafter & designer
  • Experienced in working on offshore projects
  • Can operate Autocad and PDMS or similar 3D modeling
  • Have English skills
  • Have a good health record

10. Process Safety Drafter

  • Minimum high school/equivalent
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects as a drafter
  • Ability to operate Autocad
  • Have English skills
  • Have a good health record

11. Expert Electrical Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering
  • Minimum 20 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experience as an Electrical Engineer in an LNG regasification facility project
  • Experienced in designing and planning Electrical equipment in an oil & gas facility both upstream and downstream.
  • Experienced in making electrical design basis, conceptual design of electrical, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to electrical engineering such as ETAP and other necessary software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to electrical
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Can make project implementation plans in the electrical discipline, both schedules and the required manpower and tools
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

12. Senior Electrical Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experience as an Electrical Engineer in an LNG regasification facility project
  • Experienced in designing and planning Electrical equipment in an oil & gas facility both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in making electrical design basis, conceptual design of electrical, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to electrical engineering such as ETAP and other necessary software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to electrical
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Can make project implementation plans in the electrical discipline, both schedules and the required manpower and tools
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

13. Electrical Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experienced in designing and planning Electrical equipment in an oil & gas facility both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in making electrical design basis, conceptual design of electrical, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to electrical engineering such as ETAP and other necessary software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to electrical
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record.

14. Junior Electrical Engineer

  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
  • Have knowledge for Electrical Engineering
  • Have knowledge for Computer Software related to Electrical
  • Have a good technical analysis

15. Electrical Designer

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects as drafter & designer
  • Experienced in working on offshore projects
  • Can operate Autocad and PDMS or similar 3D modeling
  • Have English skills
  • Have a good health record

16. Expert Instrument Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering/Physical Engineering
  • Minimum 20 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experience as an instrument & Control engineer in an LNG regasification facility project is preferred
  • Experienced in designing and planning Instrument and Control (I&C) systems in an oil & gas facility, both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in creating I&C design basis, conceptual design of I&C, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Integrated Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to I&C engineering such as Instrucal and other required software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to instrumentation
  • Can control all I&C design activities throughout the project
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

17. Senior Instrument Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering/Physical Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experience as an instrument & Control engineer in an LNG regasification facility project is preferred
  • Experienced in designing and planning Instrument and Control (I&C) systems in an oil & gas facility, both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in creating I&C design basis, conceptual design of I&C, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Integrated Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to I&C engineering such as Instrucal and other required software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to instrumentation
  • Can control all I&C design activities throughout the project
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

18. Instrument Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering/Physical Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects
  • Experience as an instrument & Control engineer in an LNG regasification facility project is preferred
  • Experienced in designing and planning Instrument and Control (I&C) systems in an oil & gas facility, both upstream and downstream
  • Experienced in creating I&C design basis, conceptual design of I&C, specifications, calculations, datasheets, standard drawings, construction & installation engineering, FAT, Integrated Site Acceptance Test, Precommissioning & Commissioning
  • Have the ability to use software related to I&C engineering such as Instrucal and other required software
  • Have knowledge of Codes & Standards related to instrumentation
  • Can control all I&C design activities throughout the project
  • Have the ability to communicate well with clients and colleagues
  • Fluent English skills both written and verbal
  • Have a good health record

19. Junior Engineer

  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering

20. Instrument Designer

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years experience in oil & gas or petrochemical projects as drafter & designer
  • Experienced in working on offshore projects
  • Can operate Autocad and PDMS or similar 3D modeling
  • Have English skills
  • Have a good health record

Cara Daftar :

Para  kandidat kerja yang tertarik untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir, Silahkan Daftar secara online di link pendaftaran berikut :

Perlu Untuk Diketahui! :
Mohon untuk lebih teliti saat anda membaca setiap informasi syarat lowongan kerja tersebut dan di cek kembali. Agar saat anda melamar tidak terjadi kesalahan, seperti salah memasukkan posisi yang bakal anda lamar atau dokumen yang anda upload tidak sesuai dengan syarat kualifikasi dari perusahaan tersebut. Ditekankan kembali bagi setiap pelamar kerja selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun!.

Mungkin cukup sekian informasi yang dapat kami bagikan kali ini Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) -.Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat. Kami harap artikel yang telah dibuat ini berguna bagi para pembaca sekalian yang memang sedang mencari informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Hanya Mereka yang lolos kualifikasi yang akan menerima panggilan dan lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya.

Jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan Informasi seputar lowongan kerja SWASTA, BUMN, & CPNS lainnya dari penyediah informasi Lowongan kerja www.netloker.com

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